Marek Hudon's research fields
Social Innovation
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Business Ethics
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Sustainable Finance
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Economic Resilience
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Recent research projects
(Brussels Region)
ULB Promotor of Co-Create projects related to alternative exchange systems or community currencies (E-Change); citizen supermarket BEESCOOP and two projects related to urban agriculture.
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
ULB Partner in the BRAIN project on food systems: “Food4Sustainabilty”, funding of one researcher at the ULB. Partners: UCL (Prof. Olivier de Schutter, Prof. Tom Dedeurwaerdere); KUL (Prof. Erik Matthijs)
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO):
LB Partner in the Interuniversity attraction pole (IAP) on social enterprises: “If not for profit, for what? and how? Building interdisciplinary knowledge on social entrepreneurship and social enterprise“, funding of one PhD student and four years of post-doctoral fellowship at the ULB.
February 2013
“First Interdisciplinary Symposium on Sustainable Development” (Premier Congrès Interdisciplinaire du Développement Durable), Co-president with Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (UCL, GIEC).
January 2012
Co-promotor with B. de Rock (ULB), A. Szafarz (ULB) and P. Verwimp (ULB) of a FRFC project “Microfinance Services, Intra-household Behaviour and Welfare in Developing Countries: A longitudinal and experimental approach“, funding of two researchers for four years and funding of field project.
December 2009
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
Co-promotor (with W. Hecq, ULB) of INESPO (Innovative instruments for Energy Saving Policies: White Certificates and Complementary Currencies) project “Science for a Sustainable Development (SSD)“.
INESPO : Innovative instruments for energy saving policies
June 2009
Conference "First European Research Conference in Microfinance"
President of the 3-day Conference. Participation of 250 people.
May 2010
Targeted interuniversity projects / Projet Interuniversitaire Ciblé" (PIC) of CUD
ULB Partner of a projet on microfinance in DR Congo (4 ans) coordinated by M. Labie (UMONS; CERMi).
2009 - 2011
Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (IBGE)
Co-promotor with Marc Lemaire (Groupe One) of two studies on the use of complementary currencies for environmental goals