Crowdfunding social ventures: who rewards (or punishes) hybridity?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Aouni, Z., Hudon, M., Périlleux, A. and T. Wry
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Crowdfunding social ventures: who rewards (or punishes) hybridity?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Aouni, Z., Hudon, M., Périlleux, A. and T. Wry
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Ethical Funding and Good Governance: Does the Design of Funding Matter?, Journal of Alternative Finance
Hudon, M., Nyarko, S. A., & Szafarz, A.
Sustainable finance
For better or for worse: How Mutual Credit Systems bolster resilience of small firms, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Reyns, A., Hudon, M., & Schoors, K.
Economic resilience
Donors talk: The signaling and imprinting effects of giving to social enterprises, Finance
D’Espallier, B., Hudon, M., Khavul, S. and A. Szafarz
Sustainable finance
Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance perspective, Journal of Business Venturing
Serres, C., Hudon, M. & Maon, F.
Social innovation
Economic resilience
The ethics of alternative currencies, Business Ethics Quarterly
Larue, L., Meyer, C. Hudon, M., and J. Sandberg (2022)
Sustainable finance
Business ethics
Are impact and financial returns mutually exclusive? Evidence from publicly-listed impact investments, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Bernal, O., Hudon, M. and F-X Ledru (2021)
Sustainable finance
Etude de faisabilité d’un test de résilience pour les entreprises (pour l’IFDD),
ULB, ECORES, Greenloop
Economic resilience
Crowding-in or Crowding-out? How Subsidies Signal the Path to Financial Independence of Social Enterprises, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance
Reichert, P., Hudon, M., Szafarz, A. and R. Christensen
Sustainable finance
Opening the organisational black box to grasp the difficulties of agroecological transition. An empirical analysis of tensions in agroecological production cooperatives, Ecological Economics
Plateau, P., Roudart, L., Hudon, M. and K. Maréchal (Forthcoming)
Sustainable finance
Business ethics
Mapping the Concepts and Issues of the Ethics of the Commons: Introduction to the Special Issue, Journal of Business Ethics, 166(4), 659-672
Peredo, A.-M., Haugh, H., Hudon, M., Meyer, C.
Social innovation
Business ethics
The influence of interorganizational collaboration on logic conciliation and tensions within hybrid organizations: insights from social enterprise-corporate collaborations, Journal of Business Ethics.
Savarese, C., Huybrechts, B., & Hudon, M. (Forthcoming)
Social innovation
Business ethics
Étude pour une Belgique plus durable, plus inclusives et résiliente à construire après la crise de la covid 19 (pour IFDD),
Hudon, M., Mossay, E., de Schutter, O., Detienne, Q., Jacobs, D., Kavadias, D., Mazin, B., Traversa, E., Meyer, S., Rea, A., Decaux, J., Deporter, M., Callorda Fossi, ELa, Poismans R-P, Tamigneaux, F. and S. Yasse
Economic resilience
Social inclusion in an alternative food network: values, practices and tensions, Journal of Rural Studies.
Fourat, E. Holzemer, L., Closson, C. Hudon, M.
Social innovation
A Research Agenda for Financial Inclusion and Microfinance, Edward Elgar, Northampton, USA.
Hudon, M., Labie, M. & Szafarz, A.
Sustainable finance
Business or basic needs? The impact of loan purpose on social crowdfunding platforms., Journal of Business Ethics.
Gafni, H., Hudon, M., & Périlleux, A. (Forthcoming)
Sustainable finance
Business ethics
Board Governance: Does Ownership Matter?, Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics, 91(1), 5-28.
Hideto Dato, M. , Hudon, M., and R. Mersland
Social innovation
Quel enseignement de l’économie?, Revue Nouvelle (Non-Reviewed Editorial)
Hudon, M.
Systemic ethics and inclusive governance: two key prerequisites for sustainability transitions of agri-food systems, Agriculture and Human Values, 36(2), 277-288.
Bui, S., Costa, I., De Schutter, O., Dedeurwaerdere, T., Hudon, M. and M. Feyereisen
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
Unruly Entrepreneurs: Investigating Value Creation by Microfinance Clients in Rural Burundi, Oxford Development Studies
Cieslik, K., Hudon, M., & Verwimp, P. (forthcoming)
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Determinants of the Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Systematic Review”, Journal of Economic Surveys
Hermes, C., and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
What is a fair level of profit for social enterprise? Insights from microfinance, Journal of Business Ethics
Hudon, M., M. Labie and P. Reichert (Forthcoming)
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Business ethics
Alternative Organizations in Finance: Commoning in Complementary Currencies, Organization, 24(5), 629-647
Meyer, C. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
The Governance Features of Social Enterprise and Social Network Activities of Collective Food Buying Groups, Ecological Economics
Dedeurwaerdere, T., De Schutter, O., Hudon, M., Mathijs, E., Annaert, B., Avermaete, T., Bleeckx, T., de Callataÿ, C., De Snijder, P., Fernández-Wulff, P., Joachain, H. and J.-L. Vivero
Social innovation
From Distant Neighbours to Bedmates: Exploring the synergies between the Social Economy and Sustainable Development, Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics, 88(2), 141-154.
Hudon, M. and B. Huybrechts
Sustainable finance
From NGOs to banks: Does institutional transformation alter the business model of microfinance institutions?, World Development,
D'Espallier B., J. Goedecke, M. Hudon and R. Mersland
Sustainable finance
Aid Volatility and Social Performance in Microfinance, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
D'Espallier B., Hudon, M., Szafarz, A.
Sustainable finance
Models of social entrepreneurship: empirical evidence from Mexico, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Wulleman M. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
A Case Study of Microfinance and Community Development Banks in Brazil: Private or Common Goods?, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Hudon M. and C. Meyer,
Sustainable finance
Are Financial and Social Efficiency Mutually Exclusive? A Case Study of Vietnamese Microfinance Institutions, Annals of Public & Cooperative Economics
Lebovics M., N. Hermes and M. Hudon
Social innovation
What Type of Microfinance Institutions Supply Savings Products?, Economics Letters
Cozarenco A., Hudon, M. and A. Szafarz
Sustainable finance
Community currencies and sustainable development: A systematic review, Ecological Economics
Michel A. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Does Efficiency Lead to Lower Prices? A New Perspective from Microfinance Interest Rates, Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance
Basharat B., M. Hudon and A. Nawaz
Economic resilience
Green Microfinance in Europe, Journal of Business Ethics
Forcella, D. and M. Hudon
Social innovation
A Study of Codes of Ethics for Mexican Microfinance Institutions, Journal of Business Ethics
Kleynjans L. and M. Hudon
Business ethics
What Explains Microfinance Distribution Surplus? A Stakeholder-oriented Approach, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Hudon M. and A. Périlleux
Social innovation
Economic resilience
Green Microfinance: Characteristics of Microfinance Institutions Involved in Environmental Management, Journal of Business Ethics.
Allet M. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Unsubsidized microfinance institutions, Economics Letters
D'Espallier B., M. Hudon, and A. Szafarz
Sustainable finance
Microfinance Studies: Introduction and Overview, Oxford Development Studies
Fouillet C., M. Hudon, B. Harris-White, and J. Copestake
Sustainable finance
Fairness and microcredit interest rates: From Rawlsian principles of justice to the distribution of the bargaining range, Business Ethics: A European Review
Hudon M. and A. Ashta,
Social innovation
Guest Editor of a special issue , Oxford Development Studies on microfinance and development studies
Sustainable finance
Microfinance from the Clients’ Perspective: An Empirical Enquiry into Transaction Costs in Urban and Rural India, Oxford Development Studies
Dehem T. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Unsubsidized Microfinance Institutions, Working Papers CEB 13-012, Centre Emile Bernheim
D’Espallier B., M. Hudon and A. Szafarz , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Sustainable finance
Green Microfinance. Characteristics of microfinance institutions involved in environmental management”, Working Papers CEB 13-005, Centre Emile Bernheim
Allet M. and M. Hudon , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB.
Sustainable finance
The Ethical Crisis in Microfinance: Issues and Findings, Business Ethics Quarterly
Hudon M. and J. Sandberg
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
The Compartamos microfinance IPO: Mission conflicts in hybrid institutions with diverse shareholding, Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance
Ashta A. and M. Hudon
Economic resilience
Subsidy Uncertainty and Microfinance Mission Drift, Working Papers CEB 11-014, Centre Emile Bernheim
Armendariz B., B. D'Espallier, M. Hudon, and A. Szafar , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Business ethics
Towards a Theory of Fair Interest Rates on Microcredit, Working Papers CEB 11-019, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and J. Sandberg , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Economic resilience
On the Efficiency Effects of Subsidies in Microfinance: An Empirical Inquiry, World Development
Hudon M. and D. Traça
Sustainable finance
Business ethics
Surplus Distribution in Microfinance: Differences Among Cooperative, Nonprofit, and Shareholder Forms of Ownership, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Périlleux A., M. Hudon, and E. Bloy
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Guest Editor of a special issue, Management & Avenir
, On microfinance
Sustainable finance
Efficiency, The Handbook of Microfinance
Hudon M. and B. Balkenhol , "Efficiency" in Armendariz B. and M. Labie (Eds.), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 383-396.
Social innovation
Performance Management of Double Bottom Line Institutions: Evidence from Banco Compatamo’s Productivity Distribution, Working Papers CEB 11-056, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and A. Périlleux , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Social innovation
Ethics in Microfinance, The Handbook of Microfinance
Hudon M. , Armendariz B. and M. Labie (Eds.), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 123-138
Sustainable finance
Surplus et responsabilité sociale en microfinance : Etude de cas d’institutions péruviennes, Working Papers CEB 11-036, Centre Emile Bernheim
Bloy E., J. Ernult, M. Hudon, and A. Périlleux , SBS-EM, Université libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Social innovation
Performance Management of Double Bottom Line Institutions: Evidences from Banco Compartamos’s Productivity Distribution, Journal of Cost Management
Hudon M. and A. Périlleux
Social innovation
Une institution de microfinance éthique ?, Mondes en Développement
Hudon M
Sustainable finance
La microfinance: de la charité aux affaires: Introduction du numéro spécial, Management & Avenir
Assadi D. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Surplus et responsabilité sociale en microfinance: Etude de cas d’institutions péruviennes, Management & Avenir
Bloy E., J. Ernult, M. Hudon, and A. Périlleux
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Productivity Surplus Distribution in Microfinance: Does Ownership Matter ?, Working Papers CEB 10-036, Centre Emile Bernheim, SBS-EM
Périlleux A., E. Bloy, and M. Hudon , Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Economic resilience
What Explains Microfinance Distribution Surplus? A Stakeholder-oriented Approach, Working Papers CEB 10-045, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and A. Périlleux , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
Management of Microfinance Institutions: Do Subsidies Matter ?, Journal of International Development
Hudon M.
Sustainable finance
To whom should we be fair ? Ethical issues in Balancing Stakeholder Interests from Banco Compartamos Case Study, Working Papers CEB 09-036, Centre Emile Bernheim,
Ashta A. and M. Hudon , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB.
Economic resilience
Ethical Challenges in the Inclusion of the Poor in the Financial Sector, It Takes Two to Do Science: The Puzzling Interactions Between Science and Society
Hudon M. , Eisendrath E. and J.-P. van Bendegem (Eds.), Brussels: VUB Press, pp. 71-96.
Business ethics
Microfinance pour l’agriculture des pays du Sud: Etats des lieux et tendances actuelles – introduction, Rapport Exclusions et liens financiers 2008-2009
Hudon M., M. Labie, and A. Périlleux , Morvant-Roux S. (Eds.),Paris: Economica, pp. 25-33.
Social innovation
La politique des bailleurs en microfinance. Qu’en est-il pour les zones rurales?, Cahiers du CEDIMES
Hudon M. and E. Niyongabo
Sustainable finance
Should Access to Credit be a Right?, Journal of Business Ethics
Hudon M
Sustainable finance
Norms and Values of the Various Microfinance Institutions, Working Papers CEB 08-006, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB.
Social innovation
Business ethics
Norms and Values of the Various Microfinance Institutions, International Journal of Social Economics,
Hudon M.
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Etude des facteurs contingents du taux de remboursement au sein d’une institution de microfinance : le cas du Togo, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Hudon M. and T. Ouro-Koura
Social innovation
Guest Editor of a special issue, Ethics and Economics
, On Ethics in Microfinance
Business ethics
Use of donor funds in the financing of MFIs, Working Papers CEB 07-020, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Economic resilience
Fair interest rates when lending to the poor, Ethics and Economics,
Hudon M.
Social innovation
Business ethics
Social Justice with Credits to the Poor, Working Papers CEB 07-003, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB. 2007
Sustainable finance
Social innovation
Should Access to Credit be a Right ?, Working Papers CEB 07-008, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Economic resilience
Business ethics
Microfinance in Post-disaster and Post-conflict Situations: Turning Victims into Shareholders, Working Papers CEB 07-002, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and H.D. Seibel , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Sustainable finance
Business ethics
Use of Microfinance in Post-conflict and Post-disaster Situations: Turning Victims into Shareholders, Savings and Development
Hudon M. and H. D. Seibel
Economic resilience
Natural Savings: A New Microsavings Product for Inflationary Environments. How to Save Forests with Savings for and by the Poor?, Savings and Development
Hudon M. and B. Lietaer,
Social innovation
Fair Interest Rates when Lending to the Poor: Are Fair Prices Derived from Basic Principles of Justice ?, Working Papers CEB 06-015, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Social innovation
On the Efficiency Effects of Subsidies in Microfinance: an Empirical Inquiry, Working Papers CEB 06-020, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and D. Traça , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB.
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
Etude des facteurs contingents du taux de remboursement au sein d’une institution de microfinance: le cas du Togo, Working Papers CEB 06-016, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and T. Ouro-Koura, , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Economic resilience
“Natural Savings”: A New Microsavings Product for Inflationary Environments. How to Save Forests with Savings for and by the Poor?, Working Papers CEB 06-014, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. and B. Lietaer, , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB.
Economic resilience
Risques et dangers: quelle classification et modes de gestion ?, Working Papers CEB 06-001, Centre Emile Bernheim
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Social innovation
Economic resilience
Training in microfinance: is there a role for academic institutions, European Dialogue
Hudon M. and A. Vanroose
Sustainable finance
Microfinance and IT, an Important Partnership, ICT for Capacity-Building: Critical Success Factors
Attali J. and M. Hudon , in Weiler R. and A. Waheed Khan (Eds.), Paris: UNESCO & Club of Rome, pp. 63-69.
Social innovation
Subsidies and Financial Performances of the Microfinance Institutions: Does Management Matter?” Working Papers CEB 05-015, Centre Emile Bernheim, SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles – ULB., Working Papers CEB 05-015, Centre Emile Bernheim,
Hudon M. , SBS-EM, Universite libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Sustainable finance
Introduction to the Special Issue on Microfinance, Belgian Banking Review
Chapelle A. and M. Hudon
Sustainable finance
Economic resilience
Guest Editor of a special issue, Belgian Banking Review
, On Microfinance
Sustainable finance
New challenges in microfinance: the case for extending its range of financial services, Belgian Banking Review
Hudon M.
Social innovation